March 16, 1999 - The official 'Before' picture.
I think this is a few months before I topped out at over 180. 180 is the highest I ever actually have recorded for me.

July 2, 2000
This was taken at the ceremony where I received my Woodbadge beads. If you've been in scouting you know what they are. In writing my Woodbadge ticket I included getting healthy. I at this time considered myself healthy thus completing my ticket. Little did I know just how healthy I could be!

Weight: 160 pounds
Bust: 38 1/2 inches
Waist: 29 inches
Tummy: 35 inches
Hips: 41 1/2 inches
Thighs: 24 3/4 inches
Body Fat% according to Tanita: 34%

Christmas 2000
My one year low carb anniversary!

Weight: 145 pounds
Bust: 36 inches
Waist: 27 inches
Tummy: 34 inches
Hips: 39 1/2 inches
Thighs: 22 1/2 inches
Body Fat% according to Tanita: 31%

June 27, 2001
This was at the family reunion at Mom house this summer on 6/27/01.
I don't have my measurements for this shot but my weight is 145 and Tanita says 27% BF. Now we all know Tanita isn't real accurate but we do know it's consistent if you measure at similar times of the day. I have been told that it is inaccurate somewhere between 3 - 8 % points based on many factors including body types. I'm a pair shape so I think that makes it a bit more inaccurate for me then say an apple shape.

July 8, 2001
Now you know where I got the name Turkeylady - I gather eggs for a living.

Weight: 147 (I'm estimating measurements didn't take for a few weeks here.)
Bust: 36 1/2 inches
Waist: 27 1/4 inches
Tummy: 34 inches
Hips: 40 1/4 inches
Thighs: 23 inches
Body Fat% according to Tanita: 28%

Not much difference in pounds but I have added weight training and I do think it is paying off. Also, been taking modelling tips from Tinakaye, thus the new pose :)

Weight: 142 pounds
Bust: 36 inches
Waist: 26 1/2 inches
Tummy: 33 1/4 inches
Hips: 38 1/4 inches
Thighs: 21 7/8 inches
Body Fat% according to Tanita: 27%

Most current photo - November, 2003.
Yes, this really is THE Oprah!